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5 Ways to Increase Curb Appeal for Your Columbus Rental Property

5 Ways to Increase Curb Appeal for Your Columbus Rental Property

An aesthetically pleasing property naturally attract higher quality tenants willing to pay market rent. It also lowers your rental vacancy rate and positively impacts your ROI. Consequently, you need to ensure the curb appeal of your Columbus property is high. At Bickerstaff Parham Property Management, we help our clients increase their Columbus properties’ curb appeal with the following tips.

1. Paint Your Columbus Home

A fresh coat of paint can completely change the look of your home. It can brighten the house and allow it to stand out from the rest of the properties in the neighborhood. Paint can also cover the small stains, holes, or any old scratches and scribbles on the walls. We recommend you ask professional painters about what color to choose for your rental unit for a better look and durability.

2. Create An Inviting Entrance

Ensure that the entrance to your property is inviting. You can place a small welcome board at the gate or the front door. Also, consider adding floral climbers on the gate or the windows facing the front yard. If there is a porch, make sure that it’s clean and set with benches or chairs. You can also install a French or Spanish door that can add a signature look to the entrance.

3. Improve The Outdoor Area

A well-kept outdoor area can significantly increase the curb appeal of your property. Mow the lawn, keep it pest-free, and ensure that the sideways and walkways are well maintained. You can be creative and plant attractive local plants to give your garden a distinctive appearance.

You can also add a small pool, a water fountain, or a wooden garden bench to uplift the look and utilize the space. Consider installing modern tiles for the walkways like marbles, stones, or patterned ceramic tiles. Also, installing LED motion sensor lights around the walkways can enhance the appeal of your Columbus property.

4. Upgrade The House Numbers and Mailbox

Repaint the mailbox in colors that match the theme of the house. You can experiment with the shape of the mailbox to make it look more attractive. Typically, wooden mailboxes give a classic look to the house. Also, ensure that the house number is easily visible to visitors. You can add LED lights or radium lights to increase visibility at night.

5. Install Window Boxes 

Window BoxWindow boxes can make even the simplest windows look as pretty as a picture. These boxes offer a dual benefit. They enhance the look of the home from the outside and give a fresh view from the inside when the windows are opened. Plant flowers like petunias, geraniums, zinnias, or begonias to make optimum use of these boxes. Planting scented geraniums, tea rose begonia, orchids, or other fragrant flowers can both uplift the curb appeal and keep outdoors fragrant.

You can even add a garden arbor to take the home’s aesthetic appeal to the next level. It looks exceptional in the front yard and can give it a royal look. Consider adding arched arbors, moon gate arbors, grape arbors, or arbors with benches. Additionally, consider adding fence panels for a classic appeal.

Your local property manager can help you simplify this process even more and figure out the best ways to enhance the look of your Columbus rental. Consult a trusted property management company like Bickerstaff Parham Property Management. Our managers know the current Columbus trends and can recommend simple changes to increase the aesthetic appeal of your property.

For more information, talk to one of our expert agents today!
